Terms of Use
Terms of Use
All of the content found on this website (Pictures, Logos, Graphics and all other content) is the exclusive property of Hangerlust, and we reserve all rights and no content may not be used or reproduced at any time. Named brands, products or services on Hangerlust.com are trademarked by their respective company(s).
Privacy Policy
Hangerlust is hosted through Shopify Inc. which is an online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products to consumers.
Any information that you provide to Hangerlust whether via email or our website is protected and secured through Shopify’s data management system. Sensitive information (i.e. credit card data) is encrypted and transmitted in a secure way.
All communications from Hangerlust will be via email to protect both interested parties. Hangerlust will not be distributed any information to any third party services other than information needed to ship an order.
Hangerlust reserves the right to modify our privacy policy from time to time. By providing your email address to Hangerlust you are consenting that if there are any changes to notices, disclosures, terms of use or agreements of any kind you can be contacted electronically.
Applicable Laws/Disputes
Since Hangerlust is a Texas limited liability company should any dispute arise from visiting our website or from a purchase made from Hangerlust you are consenting to the exclusive jurisdiction of state or federal courts in Texas.
Hangerlust reserves all rights to publish, edit and or remove content, whether left on our website and social media outlets pertaining to Hangerlust, that maybe considered offensive, slanderous, political opinions, threatening or infringing upon the rights of our intellectual property or that of our third party associates.